Life at CMG : Happy Mom, Happy Work

5 Aug 2024

This month, we are honored to be taking part in celebrating the greatness of motherhood. We have invited four working moms to share their work-life balance tips and how CMG can support them in achieving a Happy Mom, Happy Work.


Mommy Pui

Head of Strategy & Corporate Branding


Balancing work and raising two school-aged children is challenging, but it's made easier with supportive management, colleagues, and an understanding work environment. At my workplace, I can openly discuss and manage important family matters without worry.

The common Monday morning questions like "Where did you take the kids?" reflect that they see me as more than just an employee – they understand the multiple roles I play as a parent. What stands out about working at CMG is the company's emphasis on family support and stress management. They even provide workshops on stress management, which is especially beneficial for someone like me who has to juggle many responsibilities.


Mommy Boong
Marketing Operation Manager 


Before becoming a mother, I was very active and enjoyed tackling challenging work. During my pregnancy, I was concerned that my maternity leave might disrupt my work, but everything went smoothly. What I truly value about working at CMG is the support for new mothers. They provide a dedicated room for pumping and a refrigerator for storing breast milk, making it easier to balance work and childcare.

The company's culture of teamwork and mutual support is outstanding. When I had my baby, my supervisor granted me the full 90-day maternity leave, ensuring I could rest and care for my child without work-related interruptions.

Additionally, company outings are family-friendly, allowing us to bring our loved ones, which strengthens our workplace relationships and fosters a supportive environment.


Mommy Noon
Senior Brand Manager 

Being a working mom isn't easy; it requires balancing two roles—being an office employee by day and a mom at home. Effective time management is crucial for handling these responsibilities. 

At CMG, flexible work hours and modern technology like MS Teams Online Meeting enable seamless communication and collaboration with the team, even when working remotely. This flexibility is vital for managing both work and childcare. Many team members are also working moms, and we often exchange parenting tips and support each other. Since becoming a parent, I've become more focused on planning expenses carefully and selecting high-quality products. 

CMG offers employee discounts, making it easier to buy quality children's clothing and shoes at reasonable prices. During my pregnancy, I used these discounts to purchase comfortable, health-focused shoes, which I continued to wear well after giving birth.


Mommy Manao
CRM Program Manager

Receiving support and understanding from the team is crucial during pregnancy. 

At seven months, requesting a flexible workplace arrangement can significantly reduce the risks associated with commuting and help balance work and family responsibilities. This approach alleviates stress and anxiety for expectant mothers. 

Taking maternity leave, especially with a second child, provides valuable time for mothers to adjust to their new role. Flexible work arrangements further facilitate better planning and effective communication with supervisors, enhancing both understanding and efficiency.